(484) 416-2636 lawyer@nationalwhistleblowerlawyer.org

California Doctor Paid $2.7 Million Resolving Whistleblower Claims of Dermatologist Fraud

Below please find information related to dermatologist fraud. Case Name: United States ex rel. Janet Burke v. Norman A. Brooks, M.D. Inc. et al. Case Number: 14-6735 Settlement Amount: $3 million Court: Central District of California Description of Dermatologist Fraud Qui Tam Case A dermatologist and surgeon settled a False Claims Act case against him for $2,681,400.  This qui…

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Reporting Healthcare Fraud

The United States increased healthcare spending, from 2016-2017, by 3.9% reaching $3.5 trillion. In other words, $10,739 was spent per person for healthcare in 2017. The overall share o gross domestic product (GDP) related to healthcare spending was 17.9% in 2017. This is very similar to the 18% spent in 2016. Medicare and Medicaid Spending CMS reported that in…

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